NT Factor Energy 90tabs
NT Factor Energy™ is a proprietary blend of phospholipids and glycolipids whose mechanism of action is to repair cellular membranes by increasing cell membrane fluidity. By repairing the membranes of the mitochondria (the energy furnaces within our cells), we allow all of our cells to increase their nutrient uptake so that the mitochondria may produce more ATP — the body’s energy fuel.
This product goes well beyond the typical powder phospholipid product. Our formulators carefully selected the matrix of phospholipids required to promote healthy mitochondrial membrane function, employing a proprietary method to stabilize the lipids to maintain efficacy. The other complexes within the the NT Factor Energy™(Mitochondrial Pro Regulator™, Krebs Cycle Glucose Absorb™, and RN Fatty Acid Metabolism) are essential for increased absorption and optimization. An integral part of our product quality orientation is to go beyond raw material supplier purity claims; our third party tests proved our product is GMO-free.
The product’s efficacy is based on our proprietary method of extracting and stabilizing the phospholipids, and delivering them intact in the lower intestine for proper absorption. Phospholipids are very unstable and often oxidize in the manufacturing process or in the digestive tract before they can be presented for absorption in the lower intestine. After we stabilize the phospholipids, we wrap them in probiotics and prebiotics. Next, we add minerals and other nutrients to assist in the Krebs Energy Cycle and absorption. When the tablet reaches the lower intestine, the pre and probiotics are released first to promote a healthy flora. We follow this with the release of the NT Factor portion, whose matrix very closely matches that of the gastro intestinal mucosa. As these phospholipids are transported from cell to cell, they are also absorbed into the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes — allowing the mitochondria to provide its natural and healthy level of energy.
Mitochondria are the primary energy producers in the body. Mitochondria are the energy furnaces of each cell, with the typical cell possessing an average of 1,000 mitochondria. Given that there are 10 to the 13th power cells in a healthy adult, healthy and productive mitochondria are critical to maintain the body’s energy and resilience.